Dec 12, 2010

Reverb10 (1 and 2)

My roommate is doing Reverb10 on her blog. I think it's a great idea, so I'm copying her. That is that. Since I'm behind, I will answer two Reverb prompts a day until I catch up. So... here goes nothing on reflecting about my life. (I don't really do this much anymore, but I feel it'll be good for me.)

December 1 – One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

Movement. I think 2010 has been a year where I have been getting over things and moving on. I finally got over an ex. I passed my qualifying exam. I got off my lazy butt and started this blog. My roommate and I finally found fire people. I see myself doing things I wanted to do. I visited a friend in Seattle. I also drove to Chicago on my own. China was another place I went. While my cousin was there to help me navigate, but I think I was rather independent. I'm brave enough to drive 5 hours by myself now -- something I wouldn't have done a year ago. I've gone places and I feel like my life is going places. I also see myself changing. All in all, there is lots of movement in my life.

Hopefully, at this time next year, I'll say I was adventurous. I want to do things and experience things next year. I want to go on adventures... or at least feel accomplished. Maybe I want my word to be accomplished. I don't feel as accomplished this year.... hopefully next year I'll start projects and complete them in timely manners and have lots to show for my time. I also hope my research will take off and I will be happily busy. Stasis isn't a good state to be in for me. I require motion (metaphorically as well as literally).

December 2 – Writing. What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?

I think my  lack of writing everyday does not contribute to my writing. Maybe I will blog more. Maybe I can keep a journal again.I'm not sure if I think it's necessary to contribute to my writing everyday -- mostly because I'm not always thinking about writing. I do think, however, I should try writing Chinese more. I have a nagging fear that I will forget the language and the writing. I guess even reading Chinese more regularly will help that. LOL.

That's all for now.

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