Dec 22, 2010

Reverb10 (21 and 22)

December 21 – Future Self. Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? (Bonus: Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?) (Author: Jenny Blake)

Considering I have no idea what to expect, I have no idea what sort of advice to give. If I find a boyfriend, I would tell myself to keep my heart open. If I am unhappy, I would give myself advice on being happy. If all goes well, I'll tell myself to just keep swimming along. :)

I think something I can tell myself no matter at what point in time is don't forget that hope exists and don't forget that life is worth living and beautiful. Remember to stop and enjoy the little things because they add up to be much bigger than you'll ever realize. Remember to forgive faults and don't be so judgmental of others -- you're not perfect and need forgiveness often as well.

When I was 14, I was a bit emo. I think I would tell the me then that things are rarely ever life or death. I will explain to her how my father thinks. I will tell her that she'll be happier and crazier in the future and that things will turn out just fine. I will tell her not to listen to stupid things people say and to cherish her friendships with the people actually around her more. I will tell her the internet isn't nearly as exciting as she thinks it is and that the friendships may last, but the people you love may grow distant. I will warn her of that so she doesn't become guilty or sad.

December 22 – Travel
How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?
This is a cute question. I traveled quite a bit this year. I was somewhat adventurous and I've learned how to not over pack.

I went to China  (Shanghai) for the World Expo this year. I also visited Seattle and Chicago for the first time. China was fun but not mind blowing -- mostly because I've been there so many times. I think I was shocked by the volume of people there -- crowding, chaotic. It made me grateful I didn't try to go to the Beijing Olympics in 2008. The World Expo was fun though and I love going to China.

I flew to Seattle to visit Ahmet (I talked about it in one of my earlier posts) and I had a blast. I really love that city. Then, in November, I drove to Chicago to visit EC. The drive was the first time I drove alone, and it was good for me. I hope to see Seattle fairly soon and Chicago over the summer.

Additionally, I really want to drive up to Minnesota and visit one of my best friends in her home town. I might also want to go to Kansas City for their renaissance fair, but that's not as important to me. I don't think I'll get to leave the country next year (2011) and I'm ok with it.

Well then! I'm all caught up! Horray! :D


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