Aug 14, 2010

Word Confusion

I sometimes wonder about my brain. This is mostly due to my strange word confusions. There are some words that I spent years getting confused.

The first word set is gazpacho and gestapo. I know they sound different and look really different, but the s and the z sounds are related and the ap and the pa are similar. Add that to how they both start with g and end in o and you get my subconscious refusing to accept the difference.

The second word set is dirigible and didgeridoo. Unfortunately for these fun sounding words, their multi syllable repetition of i and e vowels with similar consonants in between wrecked havoc on my brain. I think I've called the poor didgeridoo a dirigible at least 5 times in my life. It's not bad until you realize I found out what a didgeridoo is only 3 years ago. And it doesn't REALLY come up in conversation all that often unless you're talking about firespinning or Australian aboriginal instruments. :D

My adviser told me she went to Australia once for a research conference. The Australians kept on asking her if she had a didgeridoo inside her poster tubes. I decided then that Australian conferences should sell didgeridoos that doubles as a poster tube and hold didgeridoo jam sessions at night. :D It would be cool, cultural, and kooky!

Hope you enjoyed your bit of mad-Hao-disease for today.


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