Oct 28, 2010

Seattle Adventures

So as I said in the previous post, I spent a weekend in Seattle. I LOVE that city.

The colors are beautiful in the fall. I just can't get over how vibrant the reds and yellows and oranges are. I usually don't like orange as a color, but I think beautiful fall foliage is something I'll just have to make an exception for. :)

My friend lives in Redmond, which is a suburb. His apartment is right next to this pond. Isn't it pretty? I'm actually rather jealous. :)

I spent the first day wandering the city with my penguin. We decided to go to the International District and I decided to look for a dragon sculpture that was supposedly good for kids to play on. I was somewhat disappointed, but my penguin took the opportunity to play victim. I think he thinks it makes him look cuter or something. Or maybe he just wants to be a damsel in distress. I don't pretend to understand.

I have a fondness for sculptures. I especially like wandering though Sculpture Gardens/Parks. Seattle's is called the Olympic Sculpture Park. I wandered there on Friday and dragged my friend there to see it with me on Saturday. I was most impressed because the sculpture park in Seattle has a Richard Serra. The piece is called "Wake" and consists of a few sets of wavy large iron slabs standing ominously together. I like the way the rain hit them and the way their presence was so heavy and solemn when you stood between them. I felt small and insignificant and in awe. These pictures are taken by my friend. I'm in them for scale (5' 4").

I did, however, take a picture of a different sculpture. It's called "Sky Landscape I".

On the description of it, the artist was quoted to say, "I fell in love with black; it contained all color. It wasn't a negation of color... black is the most aristocratic color of all... you can be quiet, and it contains the whole thing."

While I like the quote, I don't like the choice of the word aristocratic. I also wish the piece would be more imposing. It's size is on the same scale as human height and that bothered me. I think the words "contains the whole thing" should be applied to something larger, grander, and just as black as this sculpture.

It doesn't really matter though. It was a nice sculpture. It was a nice sculpture park. The rain only made the place better.

Anyway, I did lots of other things, but was enjoying myself so much I didn't take pictures. Go figure.


1 comment:

  1. yea that's a cool sculpture garden. i liked it a lot when i went... but have since become disenchanted with serra.
