Mar 15, 2011

Pacman Seascapes

Last week, I put up my sewing machine and set up my work station for painting again.

I'm not very good at painting, but I love cute things and nerdy things. My favorite art blogs are these:

Blow at Life  by Lawrence Yang
He paints really simple colorful pieces with cute characters and creatures in the background. A lot of the stuff I'm trying lately is really trying to copy his style and maybe make it my own one day.

Shadowscapes by Stephanie Law
I've been following her shadowscapes website since I was in 7th or 8th grade. She has a beautiful watercolor layering technique I really want to try but haven't due to my impatience.

Mall, Melissa Haslam, UrsulaV, and Audrey Kawasaki are also really cool. :)

Anyway, I made these two pieces over the weekend. I think of them as Pacman Seascapes  1 and 2.

I don't really have particular attachment to them... so if you want one, comment,email me your address, and I'll mail it to you.



  1. Hao! I love, love these. I didn't realize you were so right-brained. Could I by any chance claim the first to hang in my room? It makes me smile.

    Hope all is well!

  2. These are all kinds of awesome, and I'd love to have the second one.
