Mar 10, 2011

Photos at Dawn

Three weeks ago I got to make a choice. I could pull an all nighter in lab to get my work done and then hang out with my friends who were visiting or I could go home, sleep, and not get to hang out with my friends. If you know me, you'll know which choice was the only choice I could make.

Anyway, I stayed up until almost dawn watching buffer drip through a his-bind column (translation: I watched salt water drip through some beads so I could collect proteins I wanted). There was a lot of down time, so at around 6 am, I went home, took a shower, grabbed my camera, and went to the park. It was one of the few times I'd be awake at that hour, and I was determined to catch the sunrise.

It was still rather dark when I got there: 

The day turned out cloudy. I stood under a blanket of grey and looked for the bits of color seeping through the skyline.

Fortunately, clouds make a very nice canvas for the splattering of light.

I especially liked lumpy clouds:


Dawn is a pleasant time.

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